TOP 100
Asian Grand Prix International Ballet Competition (AGP)
2022 AGP China Top 100 Ranking
AGP China Top 100 Information
AGP China Top 100 is a competition specially for the candidates who live in Mainland China.
Candidates can join the competition by submitting their videos.
Jury will score and choose the top 20 candidates from 5 divisions.
Top 100 candidates will be listed on the AGP website.
Top 20 candidates from each division will receive award plaques.
Excellent candidates will have chances to advance to AGP Finals.
AGP China Top 100 Registration
Registration close on 22 August, 2022 (Hong Kong time)
Video Submission : 1 Sep ~ 30 Sep, 2022 (Hong Kong time)
Video Audition registration fee: HK$1,800 per candidate
Candidates must complete the online AGP Video Audition Registration Form VIA DANCE INSTITUTE, and settle the required fee by PayPal or credit card on or before the listed due date.
Candidates need to upload the video following the instructions from AGP by the due date.
Video Requirements
1. Video criteria
Separate individual video is required: 1x Class / 1x Classical Ballet solo
Full body of the candidate must be visible at any time.
Video image and sound must be high quality and consistent, and must be a live audio recording.
Class video must be within 3 minutes and must be filmed from the front of the candidate.
Class video female candidates must perform in soft ballet shoes.
Classical Ballet solo video must be filmed from the front of the candidate.
Classical Ballet solo female candidates aged 9 to 14 must perform in soft ballet shoes; aged 15 to 19 must perform in pointe shoes.
Classical Ballet solo must be selected from the AGP Variation List and performed in AGP music.
Video of previous stage performance is not accepted.
Demanding level of movements must be according to the age and ability of the candidate.
Each video must be within 250 MB in MP4 format and uploaded to a link provided by the AGP committee.
Each video must be named with Candidate No. followed by “Class” or “Classical solo”.
Please upload your video via a link submitted from AGP by 30 September, 2022.
2. Class Video contents
Class Video must be within 3 minutes and include the following movements according to the student’s ability.
A. Enchaînement One in soft ballet shoes (within 90 seconds)
➢ Combinations of Adage, Relevés & Pirouette (32 to maximum 64 counts)
These movements must be shown within the exercise:
Développés in à la seconde, arabesque;
Échappés relevés either in 2nd or 4th;
Pirouette either en-dehors or en-dedans;
Chaînés in diagonal with the ending in classical pose within 4 counts.
B. Enchaînement Two in soft ballet shoes (within 90 seconds)
➢ Combinations of Allegro and diagonal turns (32 to maximum 64 counts)
These movements must be shown within the exercise:
Petit allegro with or without batteries;
Either assemblés or jetés; either pas de chats or sissonnes;
Grand jeté entrelacé can be added according to the ability of the candidate Piqué tour either en-dedans or en-dehors with the ending in classical pose.
○ Tours en l’air right or left (male candidates only)
Class Video Demonstration For Registered Candidates Only
Registration Closed
* If you cannot register online, please download the registration form, filling in the excel file and send it back to registration@asiangrandprix.org